About Lawsuit Settlement News
Mass Tort Services LLC is a plaintiff advocate company that developed the Lawsuit Settlement News website to assist plaintiffs with their particular cases. Management of MTS has years of experience in the mass tort arena as well as a keen understanding of the victims’ needs from the beginning of their injuries right up until they receive their ultimate settlement award.
Lawsuit Settlement News was designed to give victims and plaintiffs information and guidance at their fingertips, whether online or by calling our toll-free hotline which is available 24 hours a day. Our management has come to understand that large class action type litigations can be confusing for the injured party, and they can sometimes get lost in the shuffle or feel like they have nowhere to turn to for help. MT Services is here to help if you are in need of money because your injuries have gotten you behind on bills, if you need funds for medical requirements, if you have legal questions to see if you qualify to file a lawsuit, or if you simply want up-to-date information on your particular litigation or settlement amounts.
Lawsuit Settlement News is a free news reporting site, where a victim can get the latest litigation news on their particular mass tort case as well as apply for services to help you during this difficult time. The services that are available to mass tort victims and plaintiffs from Lawsuitsettlementnews.com include the following:
- Pre-Settlement & Post Settlement Lawsuit Funding for personal cash needs
- Surgical funding for medical expense needs, including travel expenses, doctor visits, or lost wages due to missing work.
- Free legal consultation from a national law firm specializing in your particular case (in order to evaluate if you have a lawsuit claim)
- The Lawsuit Settlement News Website is absolutely free of charge, and any inquires of the various services are all done on a free case evaluation basis. You, the consumer, will only be charged out of pocket fees by MTS or any of its vendor contacts if you decide to take any of the financial or legal services provided and you are ultimately successful in winning your case.
Inquiring about any of our services is totally risk-free, and you will only pay if you win your case. Please read our disclosure statement located on the footer of our website, which outlines the terms and conditions regarding our various vendor relationships.